Who is the sun-god? apollo or helios

I am confused with Apollo and Helios as the sun-god.

During the rape of Persephone it is said that the Sun-god Helios saw Hades abducting Persephone.

Also, another account tells us this : "Clytie, who was either a water nymph or a princess of the ancient city of Babylon*, fell in love with Apollo, god of the sun. For a time the god returned her love, but then he tired of her. The forlorn Clytie sat, day after day, slowly turning her head to watch Apollo move across the sky in his sun chariot. Eventually, the gods took pity on her and turned her into a flower. In some versions of the myth, she became a heliotrope or a marigold, but most accounts say that Clytie became a sunflower" (mythencyclopedia.com)
Helius (Helios) The solar-god who drove a chariot of winged horses across the sky wearing the shining aureole-crown of the sun upon his head. (theoi.com)

Apollo, the Sun God is truly a divine charmer. He is known for his love of beauty and is also known as the God of Poetry and Music. (buzzle.com)

would it be possible to have 2 sun-gods? :|


Active Member
I'm pretty sure that Apollo is responsible for pulling the sun chariot across the sky during the day, but Helios is the actual sun. In the story The Death of Phaeton by Ovid, Apollo makes a promise to his son and swears on the Styxx that he will grant whatever wish he wants. His son asks that he be allowed to pull the sun-chariot. Apollo has to allow this because he has already promised so Phaeton pulls the chariot, but is not strong enough. The horses pulling the horses pulling the chariot go wild and the sun goes to close to the Earth, creating deserts, then to far into the heavens, freezing parts of the world. In this myth Apollo stayed at home and Zeus had to kill Phaeton to stop the horses. In this myth Apollo claims that he alone is the only god with the power to pull the sun across the sky. He says that not even the all-mighty Zeus has the strength necessary to control the course of the sun.


Well-Known Member
I have always gotten the idea that, while Apollo is associated with the sun, Helios represents the sun, and is therefore the sun god. Well not the sun itself, Helios pulls the sun across the sky in its chariot above the lands, where he can see everything that happens below, thus spying Hades as he kidnapped Persephone.


Active Member
It depends on the literature.
Helios is a Titan who drives the chariot of the sun in Greek literature.
Apollo is associated more with healing and prophecy.
In later Roman mythology, Ovid has Apollo drive the chariot of the sun.
In time, his sister Artemis also becomes more associated with the moon.


I am uncertain if this is true, but in the Percy Jackson books they said that Helios faded and Apollo took over


I think that they lived in different eras or times. Helios, as a Titan lived before the time of Apollo who is the twin sister of Artemis and they are children of Zeus and Leto.